About Certraining

Become Test Center

Certaining is an independent global organization that awards a variety of internationally recognized credentials. We've been in this industry for a long time and understand the value of training and testing. We believe that our credentials give quality and dependability, assuring not only individual advancement but also organizational success through the recruitment and retention of such skilled persons.

Certainly certificates ensure that their applicants have the essential skills to perform a wide range of projects.

Our mission is to ensure the long-term success of creative businesses by building a vast network. Our goal is to create a platform that brings together all of the people and organizations involved in developing amazing projects under one roof.

To join our authorized network, follow these 4 steps:

  1. Apply: After reading the instructions, complete your application online
  2. Sign - After analyzing your application, we will give you a contract and other documents.
  3. Finally, your Test Administrator must complete an open-book certification exam.